Analysis of Dynamic Properties and Movement Safety of Bogies with Diagonal Links and Rubber-Metal Vibration Absorbers Between the Rubbing Elements of Freight Cars
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Electronics and Robotics, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, Kazakhstan
Submission date: 2021-06-19
Final revision date: 2021-08-29
Acceptance date: 2021-09-03
Online publication date: 2021-09-08
Publication date: 2021-09-30
Corresponding author
Algazy Zhauyt   

Electronics and Robotics, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, Baitursynov 126/1, 050013, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Journal of Machine Engineering 2021;21(3):124-143
This article aims to study experimentally the dynamic properties and traffic safety actions for gondola cars with bogies with diagonal links, operated on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main results obtained during tests of gondola cars on trolleys with diagonal connections when they move along straight and curved sections track, as well as on switches are presented. The estimation - dynamics coefficients, stability margin coefficients against wheel derailment, lateral forces transmitted from the wheel to the rail, - ratio of frame forces to a static load from the wheel pair on the rails and accelerations is made.
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