Machine learning in Cyber-Physical Systems and manufacturing singularity – It does not mean total automation, human is still in the centre: Part II – In-CPS and a view from community on Industry 4.0 impact on society
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University of Minho, School of Engineering, Department of Production and Systems Engineering, Portugal
ALGORITMI Research Centre, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
University of Minho, School of Engineering, Department of Information Systems, Portugal
2Ai – School of Technology, Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave, Portugal
Final revision date: 2021-03-10
Acceptance date: 2021-03-11
Online publication date: 2021-03-29
Publication date: 2021-03-29
Journal of Machine Engineering 2021;21(1):133-153
In many discourses, popular as well as scientific, it is suggested that the “massive” use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), including Machine Learning (ML), and reaching the point of “singularity” through so-called Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), and Artificial Super-Intelligence (ASI), will completely exclude humans from decision making, resulting in total dominance of machines over human race. Speaking in terms of manufacturing systems, it would mean that the intelligence and total automation would be achieved (once the humans are excluded). The hypothesis presented in this paper is that there is a limit of AI/ML autonomy capacity, and more concretely, the ML algorithms will be not able to become totally autonomous and, consequently, the human role will be indispensable. In the context of the question, the authors of this paper introduce the notion of the manufacturing singularity and present an intelligent machine architecture towards the manufacturing singularity, arguing that the intelligent machine will always be human dependent. In addition, concerning the manufacturing, the human will remain in the centre of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and in Industry 4.0. The methodology to support this argument is inductive, similarly to the methodology applied in a number of texts found in literature, and based on computational requirements of inductive inference based machine learning. The argumentation is supported by several experiments that demonstrate the role of human within the process of machine learning. Based on the exposed considerations, a generic architecture of intelligent CPS, with embedded ML functional modules in multiple learning loops, is proposed in order to evaluate way of use of ML functionality in the context of CPS. Similar to other papers found in literature, due to the (informal) inductive methodology applied, considering that this methodology does not provide an absolute proof in favour of, or against, the hypothesis defined, the paper represents a kind of position paper. The paper is divided into two parts. In the first part a review of argumentation from literature in favour of and against the thesis on the human role in future was presented, as well as the concept of the manufacturing singularity was introduced. Furthermore, an intelligent machine architecture towards the manufacturing singularity was proposed, arguing that the intelligent machine will be always human dependent and, concerning the manufacturing, the human will remain in the centre. The argumentation is based on the phenomenon related to computational machine learning paradigm, as intrinsic feature of the AI/ML , through the inductive inference based ML algorithms, whose effectiveness is conditioned by the human participation. In the second part, an architecture of the Cyber-Physical (Production) Systems (CPPS) with multiple learning loops is presented, together with a set of experiments demonstrating the indispensable human role. Finally, a discussion of the problem from the manufacturing community point of view on future of human role in Industry 4.0 as the environment for advanced AI/ML applications is registered.
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