Accuracy Assessment of Articulated Industrial Robots using the Extended- and the Loaded-Double-Ball-Bar
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Cyber-Physical Production Systems, Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology, Germany
Department of Production Engineering (IIP), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Chair of Machine Tools Development and Adaptive Controls, Institute of Mechatronic Engineering TU Dresden, Germany
Submission date: 2022-02-28
Final revision date: 2022-04-22
Acceptance date: 2022-04-24
Online publication date: 2022-05-04
Publication date: 2022-06-28
Corresponding author
Johann August Marwitz   

Cyber-Physical Production Systems, Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology, Nöthnitzer Str. 44, 01069, Dresden, Germany
Journal of Machine Engineering 2022;22(2):80-98
This research paper outlines the methodology and application of geometric and static accuracy assessment of articulated industrial robots using the Extended-Double-Ball-Bar as well as the Loaded-Double-Ball-Bar. In a first experiment, the EDBB is used to assess the geometric accuracy of a Comau NJ-130 robot. Advanced measuring trajectories are investigated that regard poses, which maximize the error influences of individual robot components. The developed error-sensitive trajectories are validated in experimental studies and compared to the circular trajectories according to ISO-230-4. Next, the Loaded-Double-Ball-Bar is used to assess an ABB IRB6700 manipulator under quasi-static loads of up to 600 Newton using circular testing according to ISO-230-4 and stiffness is identified. Then, the stiffness is used to perform a reverse calculation to identify the kinematic errors on the path deviations. The concept is validated in a case study of quasi-static loaded circular testing using the Loaded-Double-Ball-Bar compared to a Leica-AT960 laser tracker.
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