Effects of Cooling Systems on the Thermal Behaviour of Machine Tools and Thermal Error Models
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Research Centre of Manufacturing Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Research Center of Manufacturing Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Machine tool development, KOVOSVIT MAS Machine Tools, a.s., Czech Republic
Machine tool development, TOSHULIN, a.s., Czech Republic
Submission date: 2020-07-27
Final revision date: 2020-10-05
Acceptance date: 2020-10-05
Online publication date: 2020-11-29
Publication date: 2020-12-18
Corresponding author
Martin Mareš   

Research Centre of Manufacturing Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Horská 3, 12800, Prague, Czech Republic
Journal of Machine Engineering 2020;20(4):5-27
Today, cooling systems are increasingly applied to the structure of machine tools (MT). Unfortunately, to date there have been few efforts to precisely control these cooling systems, which inhibits the full utilisation of their potential to improve MT thermal behaviour (to reduce thermal errors). Moreover, the effects of cooling systems, especially the effects of cutting fluids, on thermal error compensation models are often omitted. This paper deals with the effects of fluid cooling systems on the thermal behaviour of MT and thermal error compensation models. It provides a detailed review of the state of the art, followed by the authors’ recent research on these issues. Firstly, the sensitivity of thermal error compensation models based on transfer functions (TF) to modification of fluid cooling systems and cutting fluid presence is discussed. Secondly, gradient regulation of the cooling unit to improve MT accuracy is presented.
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