Industrial Collaborative Robot Digital Twin integration and Control Using Robot Operating System
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Mechanical and Industrial engineering, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest, Ireland
Submission date: 2022-01-29
Final revision date: 2022-03-11
Acceptance date: 2022-04-06
Online publication date: 2022-04-18
Publication date: 2022-06-28
Corresponding author
Simone Luca Pizzagalli   

Mechanical and Industrial engineering, Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, 12616, Tallinn, Estonia
Journal of Machine Engineering 2022;22(2):57-67
Universal solutions for industrial robot integration are urgent requirements for companies looking for machine interconnectivity, and tailor-made manufacturing systems design. These solutions must be supported by modular and open-source components and Extended Reality (XR) interfaces. Robot Operating System (ROS) has proven to be a reliable, interoperable and modular standard for industrial robot integration. Digital Twins (DT) of industrial equipment and processes offer a solid base to develop innovative digital tools relying on synchronization between physical and digital entities and the setup of XR interfaces for teleoperation and programming. This work presents the integration of the OMRON TM5-9000 collaborative industrial robot into the IVAR laboratory DT system at Tallinn University of Technology. By using Unity3D game engine and developing a ROS package for the specific machine, the digital model of the collaborative robot is integrated into the existing twin, synchronized with the real counterpart, and controlled by a remote user interface.
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