A New Grey Box Approach for Friction Modelling of Machine Tool Drives
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Manufacturing Technology Institute (MTI), RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology (IPT), Germany
Submission date: 2024-02-14
Final revision date: 2024-03-19
Acceptance date: 2024-03-19
Online publication date: 2024-03-20
Publication date: 2024-04-02
Corresponding author
Adrian Karl Rüppel   

Manufacturing Technology Institute, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Journal of Machine Engineering 2024;24(1):5-16
Measurement of the process force in milling is usually conducted by using piezo-electric dynamometers which are costly and reduce the stiffness of the system. A less invasive alternative is an indirect estimation of cutting forces based on the power of the servo drives. However, a correction of frictional effects from the transmission system is necessary to achieve accurate results. Most machine tools are equipped with ball-screw drives whose friction behavior is highly nonlinear due to dependency on both velocity and position. This study provides a novel approach to consider all frictional and inertial effects in transmission behavior of ball-screw drives by utilizing the well-established generalized MAXWELL slip (GMS) model and combines it with a data-based approach, namely support vector regression (SVR). The approach acquires the internal states of the GMS model and uses them as an additional input for the SVR. The model is validated on different experiments conducted on a five-axis machining center and compared to established friction models, as well as a sole SVR. The results show the model to have errors between 7 % and 12 % over the full working range of the x- and y-axes, respectively, outperforming the benchmark models significantly.
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Multi Sample-Rate Force Monitoring in Milling Based on Current and Voltage Measurement
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